Can you feel it? It’s your heart. It’s more than an organ that pumps life giving blood to your body.
This, your spiritual heart is what can guide you to your greatest destiny. Your spiritual heart longs to guide you towards integration and the embodiment of your Higher Self.
It wants to steer you away from chaos and turmoil. It creates intimacy and love and respect and kindness.
And perhaps most important of all, it whispers to you in those quiet, still moments, and it gently asks “Are you living your Sacred Purpose; are you living from your truest self?”
You woke up this morning feeling truly inspired and connected to something pure and powerful, deep within yourself...
And throughout the day things seemed to fall into place and the solutions to problems appeared almost magically...
You felt like you knew just what to do and good things happened at almost every turn...
What if there was a guide that showed you step-by-step, exactly how to do this...
That will not only show you how you can begin to live every moment of your life as an expression of your most connected and authentic self…
But will also show you how to walk through your life with a much clearer sense of why you’re here, and what your sacred purpose is...
Hi, I'm Bob Frissell, I've written three bestselling books that are published in 25 languages---and I'm the creator of the Breath Alchemy Technique...
And today I want to introduce you to a time-tested and proven way of making the Higher Self connection you must make if you wish to be at peace with life...
I'm speaking of the life-transforming system that empowers you to create lasting inner peace, so you can joyfully live each moment with confidence and clarity!
All I can say is infinite Consciousness is The Only Truth has completely rocked my world. This is a profound road map for people to live an extraordinary life of joy and inner peace. Bob doesn't hold back, he shows you exactly how to get there!
--Brenda, Sacramento, CA
Infinite Consciousness is The Only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion has changed my life forever. I remember crying tears of joy, knowing that I finally found someone who gets me and can help show me the path I had been searching for so long to find.
--Elizabeth S. Las Vegas, NV
My life has changed completely since Infinite Consciousness is The Only Truth and Breath Alchemy sessions. I was fighting depression and anxiety for years. I struggled to keep myself positive. I was surviving, not living. It seems like a long time ago, but it was only 5 months. I learned so much from you Bob. Thanks to you I’m living a purposeful life and transforming a traumatizing past into positive energy.
© 2019 Bob Frisell